Shipping and Delivery Policy

Shipping and Delivery Policy

Thank you for choosing GLSR for your online mock test needs. We are committed to providing a seamless and convenient experience for our students. Please read the following Shipping and Delivery Policy carefully:
1. Delivery Method: Our services are entirely digital and delivered online. Upon successful payment, students gain immediate access to the mock tests through their registered accounts on our website.
2. Delivery Timeframe: Mock tests are available for access immediately after payment confirmation. There is no waiting period for delivery, as everything is accessible online.
3. Shipping Charges: Since our services are digital, there are no shipping charges associated with your purchase.
4. Refunds: Please note that all purchases made on our platform are non-refundable. We encourage students to thoroughly review our demo tests and explore our website before making a purchase decision. Once payment is made, access to the mock tests is granted immediately, and refunds cannot be provided.
5. Customer Support: We understand that questions or issues may arise during your experience with our mock tests. Our customer support team is available to assist you promptly. Please feel free to reach out to us via visiting this page on our website: contact-us
6. Changes to Delivery Policy: GLSR reserves the right to modify or update this Shipping and Delivery Policy at any time without prior notice. We encourage you to review this page periodically for any changes.
7. Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about our Shipping and Delivery Policy,please contact with following-

Thank you for choosing GLSR. We appreciate your trust in our services.
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