Current Affairs 01 February 2024 and Test

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Current Affairs 01 February 2024 and Test

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Some lines of current affairs 01 February 2024 news

Union Budget of India 2024 – 2025

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 in the new Parliament Building on February 1, 2024. Notably, this marked the first time the budget was presented in the new Parliament Building. Sitharaman embraced a paperless approach, utilizing a ‘Made in India’ tablet computer for her address. This budget presentation represents her sixth consecutive budget, following those of 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

For detailed insights and key highlights of the Union Budget 2024, you can refer to official documents or news sources for a comprehensive summary of the financial proposals and allocations presented by the Finance Minister.

The Union Budget is an annual financial report of India. It contains the Government’s revenue and expenditure for a fiscal year, which runs from April 1 to March 31. It comprises the revenue budget and the capital budget and also contains estimates for the next fiscal year. The government presents the budget every year before the start of the financial year.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman tabled the Economic Survey 2023-24 in parliament today (31-01-2024) before presenting the budget 2024-25.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is set to present the Interim Budget 2024 on February 1. Traditionally, the central government presents an Economic Survey a day before the budget presentation. However, this year, the Economic Survey will not be presented on January 31.

Indian Coast Guard Day 2024

Indian Coast Guard Day is celebrated every year on February 1st to mark the founding of the Indian Coast Guard in 1977. It recognizes the Coast Guard’s strong dedication to keeping maritime areas safe and protecting India’s coastal and offshore interests.

The official theme for Indian Coast Guard Day 2024 hasn’t been announced yet. However, considering the Coast Guard’s recent focus on technology and its commitment to service, safeguarding, and protection, a potential theme could be: “Indian Coast Guard: Innovating, Protecting, and Serving with Valor.” This theme would highlight the Coast Guard’s dedication to using technology to improve its capabilities and effectiveness in various maritime missions. It also emphasizes their commitment to protecting India’s maritime interests with courage and dedication.

The objectives of Indian Coast Guard Day include honoring the Coast Guard’s history and commitment to safeguarding India’s maritime frontiers, raising public awareness about its roles in maritime safety, security, and environmental protection, and inspiring future generations to consider a career in the Coast Guard to contribute to the nation’s maritime security.

On February 1st, 2024, India will specially recognize the Indian Coast Guard’s dedicated service. This annual event acknowledges the establishment of the Coast Guard in 1977 and celebrates its continuous efforts to ensure maritime safety, security, and the protection of India’s coastal and offshore areas. The day reflects the Coast Guard’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding the nation’s maritime boundaries with vigilance and courage.

Current Affairs 01 February 2024 Test


01 February 2024 Test

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हाल ही में ऑरेंज फेस्टिवल 2024 का चौथा संस्करण नागालैंड में कहां अयोजित हुआ है? / Where was the fourth edition of Orange Festival 2024 organized in Nagaland recently?

2 / 12

मेघालय के किस फेस्टिवल को 100 ढोलों का नृत्य कहा जाता है? / Which festival of Meghalaya is called the dance of 100 drums?

3 / 12

All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2021-2022 की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार केरल के महिला वर्ग का नामांकन उच्च शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में सर्वश्रेष्ठ रहा। इस Survey को किसने जारी किया था?/ According to the All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2021-2022 report, the enrollment of women from Kerala was the best in the field of higher education. Who released this survey?

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सही विकल्प का चयन करें । / Select the correct option.

5 / 12

निम्न में से कौन भारत की नवीनतम और किस क्रम की विश्वधरोहर है? / Which of the following is India's newest World Heritage and in what order?

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UNESCO की 2024 में आगामी बैठक कहां होगी और यह किस क्रम की होगी? / Where will the next UNESCO meeting be held in 2024 and what will be its sequence?

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भारत में हाल ही में अखिल भारतीय पीठासीन अधिकारी सम्मेलन अयोजित हुआ है। यह किस क्रम का था और कहां आयोजित हुआ है? / All India Presiding Officers Conference has recently been organized in India. What was it and where was it held?

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भारत में वर्तमान समय में राज्यसभा के उपसभापति कौन हैं? / Who is the present Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha in India?

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कोलंबिया की राजधानी क्या है? / What is the capital of Colombia?

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शहरी बाढ़ शमन परियोजना का संबंध किससे है? / Urban flood mitigation project is related to?

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हाल ही में विश्व शतरंज चैंपियनशिप कहाँ आयोजित हुई थी? / Where was the World Chess Championship held recently?

12 / 12

विश्व शतरंज दिवस कब मनाया जाता है? / When is World Chess Day celebrated?

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