UN member states gather to strategize addressing global environmental issues

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UN member states gather to strategize addressing global environmental issues.
UNEP anticipates more than 70 government ministers and 3,000 delegates at the talks


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The top global environmental authority is gathering in Kenya’s capital to discuss ways to address issues like climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. This meeting, the sixth United Nations Environment Assembly session, includes representatives from governments, civil society, scientists, and businesses.

We all live on planet Earth, interconnected. Inger Andersen, head of the UN Environment Programme, stressed the importance of dialogue in solving global issues. During the meeting, member states discuss various draft resolutions, aiming for consensus to implement agreed-upon measures. At the previous talks in 2022, 14 resolutions were adopted, including one to tackle plastic pollution. This year, 20 draft resolutions are up for discussion, covering topics like land restoration and reducing the impact of mining. Achieving consensus can be challenging due to differing priorities. Nonetheless, Andersen noted positive progress at UNEA-6. UNEP aims to build on past successes like the Minamata Convention and the Montreal Protocol. Bjorn Beeler expects slow progress on complex issues like financing for chemicals and waste management.

Beeler expects strong opposition to a resolution aiming to phase out highly hazardous pesticides. The resolution, proposed by Ethiopia and co-sponsored by Uruguay, seeks to create a global alliance involving UN bodies like UNEP, the World Health Organization, and the International Labour Organization. If passed, it would mark the first global movement against highly hazardous pesticides. UNEP foresees over 70 government ministers and 3,000 delegates attending the talks. Andersen stated that at UNEA-6, decision-makers will focus on anticipating and preventing potential damage to the planet.

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